When Free Flowers Brought Smiles to People in a Fast Food Restaurant…and Parking Lot


Behold the glorious free flowers! I was on my way to take flowers to Fox Chase Cancer Center.  I needed to stop and use a restroom. I pulled into the parking lot of a small mall and went into the restaurant. I saw some people dining alone, a few families with kids, and folks who appeared to be grabbing a quick bite to eat on their lunch hour. I asked the manager if I could pass out SOME  flowers. He said, You can pass out ALL of the flowers. So, I did! All 40 bouquets! I guess Fox Chase cancer patients are meant to have a visit next week. One lady told me that she had cancer…..and was on her way to Fox Chase. I guess I was meant to give her flowers before she went to her appointment.  My secret to feeling happy – go a’flowering wherever and whenever I can – wherever my little KIA,  flowers, and I roam. I love the flowers, glorious flowers and how the surprise of receiving the petals blooms so many smiles.  I wish I knew a way to tell people in all 50 states how to do the same. That might FLOWER THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!