A Free Way to WOW!

People around the world can do what I do. In my neck of the woods, I pick up day-old flowers from 4 stores. I never know who will have day-old or surplus so I call when the store opens. The staff know me because I have been doing this for 9 years. I drive a lot and often wonder if it is worth it. Do the flowers really matter to people? After all, they are day-old. But this is what I know for sure - giving away free flowers is a fast and easy way to have a good day. Anytime, anywhere I meet interesting people that I will always remember. This week, I picked up 500 bouquets. Who did I meet along my flowering trail? Man at the auto repair shop who took ten to give to his customers on a gloomy Tuesday, an activity director took 43 bouquets to put in the residents’ rooms, and 75 bouquets wer delivered to a senior apartment building. The service coordinatior made an announcement on the speaker and the parking lot was filled a few minutes later with flower lovers. Somebody said, “Wow, this job of yours looks kinda fun!” I laughed and said, “It’s not a real job. Just me believing that wherever you go, people need something good to happen.” And that is what matters most to me, to offer a happy little token to brighten someone’s day.