Helping others is the recipe for the most glorious day ever!

I moved in with my mother when she was in her mid-80’s after she experienced some health issues. I wanted to find a way that we could have fun together. We visited her sick friends, visited with family and went out to eat a lot. Then we came up with a plan to deliver thousands of free bouquets of love to other senior citizens. How did we begin? We headed to a grocery store and shared the idea of rescuing flowers with the manager - and told him how we could do it. He agreed to give us his throwaway flowers, surplus, and day-old petals and blooms - that were still suitable for sharing. In fact, the first day we had so many donations that we could not fit ithem all in my small KIA. We went back for “seconds.” What was the reaction of some flower recipients?

“You’ve made me feel like a princess.” “You didn’t just bring a bunch of flowers to us, you brought a bunch of messages that somebody cares.”

On the way home, so buoyed from the excitement of our Happy Flower Day Project, we decided to bloom smiles every day. Our flower project took root, and we invited our 91 year old friend Bob to join us.